Following advice from NHS England, Wellington Way Health Centre are encouraging patients wishing to register with us, to NOT come into the surgery, instead to use the online registration form by clicking this link.

To register visit

You will be asked to enter your post code and a list of practices will appear. Only a few practices are currently accepting patients this way but soon all 36 practices in Tower Hamlets will be available.

If “Wellington Way Health centre” is not on the list then you are not in our catchment area and will need to choose another practice.

You will be asked your personal details, past medical history and other information to help us trace your existing records. Please provide as much information as possible; missing information may lead to your registration being rejected.

The whole process should take no more than 10 minutes and once complete, you will be contacted by the practice to confirm registration in 2 working days.

Please note, you DO NOT have to show any ID or proof of address to register.

Am I registering with the right practice?

Please note that you must live within the practice boundary to be able to register with us. If you’re unsure, please view our Location Map.

What happens to the information I provide in this form?

To find out about how we handle your data, please read our Privacy Policy.